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Maria Escardo et Cristine Bedfor assises dans le jardin de l
Many people helped us settle in here in Menorca and make our dream a reality. Over recent months I have been presenting each one of them, but I am yet to talk about María Escardó, one of the people who set Cristine Bedfor on course on the island and, more specifically, on Calle Infanta.
And work very hard she does, understanding the island, its potential and its heart and soul. Together with her business partner she created Maisonme, dedicating themselves to brightening the lives of her clients. They seek and find the impossible: that dream house, that perfect farmland, that special location. Because, thanks to their love of the island, they know how to match future owners with their perfect home.
Letras Maisonme
Maria escardo foto 2
Cristine Bedfor foto calle
At Maisonme not only do they search for and show you ‘your’ place on the island, they dissect it, they make you understand the why, what, where and who. You soak up that no sé qué menorquín that makes you fall in love with it. Something that is essential, and with María’s help I have come to know a special and exciting Menorca: her Menorca. And now everyone’s Menorca.
Foto collage maria escardo
Now, as part of her need to share, she puts up artists in her own home, including Mariona Vilaseca, Laura Cano and Rain Wu, and introduces us to new talents such as Mauro de Bettio, Félix Güell, Katja Loher and Sena Cifuentes; special people who have a lot to tell and a lot to contribute. Being around María you can’t help but absorb her endless inquisitiveness.
Cristine Bedfor
Maria escardo foto 3

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