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Red Cross and and a
more inclusive society
At Red Cross Mahon we serve people who are in vulnerable situations so that they have the necessary opportunities and resources to participate in economic, social, and cultural life.
At Red Cross Mahon we serve people who are in vulnerable situations so that they have the necessary opportunities and resources to participate in economic, social, and cultural life, enjoying a standard of living and well-being.To help the most vulnerable groups.
También trabajamos con el colectivo de Personas Mayores, atendemos a unas 105 personas mayores con las cuales llevamos a cabo actividades que favorecen una vida activa y participativa, a través de la creación de espacios de encuentro, acciones de ocio, voluntariado, etc. para conseguir su bienestar.
On Three Kings Day, we want all kids to be able to enjoy this festivity with a new toy. For this reason, the Christmas campaign is launched to collect new toys to send to children from families with limited economic resources. This year Red Cross Mahon will deliver toys to around 100 families.
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recettes et conseils santé de Cristine Bedford.
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