Rebecca Morris &
Cristine Bedfor
The daughter of two English parents raised in Menorca, Rebecca Morris’s vocation hasalways been to help, and since her first job in England at an NGO which brought sport tochildren with different illnesses or in vulnerable situations, her life has led her all around theworld working on helping others. Save the Children and Doctors without Borders are justsome of the NGOs with which she has worked.

In 2017, she joined the Menorca Preservation Fund (MPF), which works to restore andpreserve the island. In 2020, Cristine Bedfor was fortunate enough to meet her. We began towork together to support one of the projects that excites us the most: sharing. We want to beand are part of the MPF union. And with Rebecca, we have found our way. Special friendsmake our project even more gratifying, if possible.
MPF - Our Project
MPF and Cristine Bedfor Guest Houses Mahón have signed a partnership agreement whichcontributes significant funds to the foundation to support projects related to local productsfrom Menorca.
With a more long-term vision, our common goal is to provide a steadfast impetus to theconsumption of local products, as the cultural crux of maintaining and promoting theeconomic sector through responsible production, while also regenerating and preserving theisland and the health of our land.
We want to suggest 3 plans to improve the preservation of Menorca:

1. Discover the Posidonia meadows
One of the world’s most valuable natural treasures can be found in the Isla del Aire MarineReserve: the underwater meadows of Posidonia oceanica. This marine plant growsexclusively in the Mediterranean Sea, where its enormous ecological value is currently atrisk due to human impact. Learning about it is the first step in protecting it. So, discover thisnatural treasure and be amazed.

2. Become a real fisherman
Get on board on a traditional Menorcan fishing boat and learn everything about thetechniques and tips from a professional fisherman. After that, taste the freshly-caught fishand learn about the unique gastronomy from the island with a local chef.

3. Help clean our beaches
Who doesn’t love going to the beach?
These areas of natural beauty, but are polluted byplastic waste and others. Beach clean-ups are so helpful to keep our marine environment ashealthy as possible!
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