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Direct Booking

Best Online Price Guaranteed

Best guaranteed price. If you find a better rate for your room category and dates, we will improve it.

Early room asignement

Priority Room Assignment

We will always try to give you your dream room, that is our priority and commitment. All our rooms are a dream come true!

Early Check-In

Early Check-In & Late Check-Out under availability

We want to make your stay unique and unforgettable. Your needs when organizing your trip are a must for us.


Welcome Drink at Our Secret Garden

You trusted us, and we want to give you a welcome as you deserve. We invite you to a drink in our Mediterranean oasis. A garden where you can connect with Mahón in a relaxed way while planning your stay on the island.

Secure Booking

Secure Booking

Your personal information is just that, personal, and we will make sure it is. We preserve your privacy!



If you need a parking space during your stay at Cristine Bedfor, please contact us at

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Cristine Bedfor Guest Houses





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