Jacobo is enthusiastic, endearing, affectionate… and throughout these years he has shown that he is strong, that he has determination, that he does not give up , and that he is almost a superhero.

I met Jacobo a few years ago when we were beginning to decide what to do with our lives, during our university years. Who was going to tell us then what we have become?
I have followed his achievements closely; I am a swimmer, and I am fascinated by the challenges tha t Jacobo has been setting for himself… and even more so meeting.

Born in Madrid, this businessman, lecturer in Spain and in different
Latin American countries, team facilitator, teacher, and mentor, has held management positions
in multinationals in both , the UK and Spain. And over the years
he has become a great specialist in motivating individuals and teams,
inspiring them to achieve their goals and reach new heights.
His mission is to transmit values and skills , to achieve individual goals and
collective objectives, exploring the enormous possibilities that people
have inside and outside organizations in the daily development of their functions,
and he knows well what he is talking about.
He considers it a priority mission to offer conferences on improv ement, motivation,
and achievement of challenges, to help both work teams in companies
and anyone looking for keys to success, but his professional and
personal experience makes him an ideal speaker to lead organizations a clear message
of motivation and teamwork.
At the age of 28, he was diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis, a very
painful chronic rheumatological disease. He took on the new situation as a challenge and 20
years later he is a successful businessman, a marketing and communication
expert wit h 25 years of experience. Furthermore, in 2013 he overcame a malignant tumor.
Despite his illness, he has been able to swim twice across the Strait of Gibraltar,
the 40 kilometers of the Menorca Channel, and Europe – Asia crossing (Kastelorizo – Kas).

In 2017 he published his book “ What I Learned from Pai n ” (11 th edition). A book written positively and through which he shares his conviction that we can all achieve our dreams and goals a nd that we have the enormous capacity to understand the opportunity behind the management of change, uncertainty , and adversity. His challenges benefit different Foundations (Down Syndrome and Childhood Cancer).
The Menorca challenge consisted of swimming together the islands of Menorca and Mallorca. It is approximately 40 km. On this occasion he decides to dedicate his efforts to research against childhood cancer, through the Uno entre Cienmil Foundation. Motivated by the challenge and the solidarity effo rt, two other athletes and friends joined this project, Félix Campano and Peio Ormazabal, which for him makes this challenge even bigger.
Cristine Bedfor

As I told you he is a superhero, from head to toe!
We hope to see you soon at Cristine Bedfor, to support you in any other challenge, to train people or teams or s imply to enjoy the island, and each other and talk about those years when we outlined our future and analyze our present.